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Removing reviews

The review is not true about me or my company

We will consider removing the review if it concerns a business transaction that did not meet the agreed terms. This could include issues such as failure to send the goods, sending an incorrect item, altering the conditions of work, or failing to respond to messages. To verify these claims, we would need evidence, such as an invoice, a video from the pick-up location, or screenshots of your correspondence.

However, if the review pertains to something else, it may be challenging for us to assess the situation accurately as we are not in a position to verify everything. In such cases, it may be more effective to respond to the review and provide your perspective on the situation.

Offensive reviews

If the review insults you as a person, we will consider removing it. This includes remarks about your appearance, diagnoses, wishing harm, or making threatening statements.

However, if the review merely expresses dissatisfaction with your product, service, or as a seller/employer, we will likely not remove it. These types of reviews reflect personal opinions, and everyone has the right to express their emotions when things don't go as planned.

Please note that we will definitely remove any review that contains offensive language or obscenities. This constitutes a serious violation of OGO's rules.

Review responses

You can respond to the review by providing your perspective on the matter. Explain what aspect you disagree with and present your side of the situation. Other users will be able to view your response and form their own opinions. It's important to maintain a factual and courteous tone in your reply.

It's also worth noting that a small percentage of negative reviews is to be expected and can actually improve the credibility of your overall rating.