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XML Feed for products

If you're looking for an easy way to automatically upload items from your store to OGO, we offer several options to choose from. You can use one of our supported formats, such as Google Shopping, Já vöruleit, or any custom XML that follows our requirements. Alternatively, if you're using WordPress, you can take advantage this plugin.

This plugin makes it easy to connect your store to OGO and start uploading your listings with just a few clicks.

How to connect XML Feed

In the OGO PRO dashboard, add a new XML Feed, select the feed update frequency and click "add".

OGO offers automated product feed scanning on a schedule, with results displayed in your dashboard. Our system automatically categorizes your products, but you can easily make changes manually. Additionally, OGO can group products into "extra" cards, which help users find related items more easily.

Feed Structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">
<title>Example - Online Store</title>
This is a sample feed containing the required and recommended attributes for a variety of different products
<!-- Required fields -->
<!-- default ISK, use the Currency parameter to specify -->

<!-- Optional fields -->

<!-- If the product has different versions -->

Feed Structure with many currencies

<currency id="ISK" rate="1"/>
<currency id="USD" rate="140"/>

Special fields

Special fields can also be added for OGO

<param name="Color">red</param>
<param name="Gender">male</param>
<param name="Size">M</param>